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Datum::  7. März 2015 - 31. Mai 2015
Kategorie::  Ausstellung

Pushwagner Exhibition in Luzern, Switzerland

Foto: Øistein Norum Monsen/ Dagbladet.Foto: Øistein Norum Monsen/ Dagbladet

Pushwagner's Soft City will these days for the first time be presented and shown in Switzerland, at Kunstmuseum Luzern.

It is the almost 25 year old international comic festival Fumetto - International Comix Festival, who in collaboration with the renowned Kunstmuseum Luzern, who will show the Norwegian artist's masterpiece.

The festival runs during the period from 7th to 15th March 2015, but Pushwagners exhibition at Kunstmuseum Luzern remain until the end of May 2015.

For more information, please visit: http://www.kunstmuseumluzern.ch/en/exibitions/pushwagner_2015-2/


Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland
Europaplatz 1
6002 Luzern
Tlf: +41 (0) 41 226 78 00