From left: John Rognes, chair of the Abel Comittee, the Abel Lauterates Endre Szemerédi and Sir Michael Atiyah and chair of the Abel Boeard Kristian Ranestad.
In what has become a tradition, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters took the opportunity to combine the annual Abel Comittee meeting to Abel Symposium. This year's meeting was held at the ETH Zürich, one of the world's leading universities for technology and the natural sciences, and the Embassy had the pleasure of attending the lectures together with representatives from the Academy.
The FIM - «Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik» (Research Institute for Mathematics) - welcomes mathematicians from all over the world and invites them to do research, to teach and to exchange their knowledge in a straightforward, inspiring and lively environment, and was therefore a natural location for both the committee meeting and the popular Abel Symposium.
The Symposium was kicked off with a lecture from Abel Prize Leureat Sir Michael Atiyah (The University of Edinburgh), taking the lecture hall at the ETH - full packed with students as well as faculty professors - through a new look at the ideas of Einstein and Dirac. Sir Atiyah's talk was followed by Abel Prize Leureat Endre Szemerédi (Rutgers University). bringing the students into the world of subset sums. Mr. Szemerédi is known for his unique way of thinking, and yet again the Abel Prize winner managed to mesmerize the audience, almost as much with his quick wit and amusing anecdotes as with his tremendous mathematic vision. Leader of the Abel Prize Comitte John Rognes had the pleasure of finishing of the symposium. The Norwegian Professor from the University of Oslo excited the audience with a great lecture concerning irregular spaces
The name of the 2016 Abel Laureate will be announced in Oslo on March 15th by the President of the Academy of Science and Letters Ole M. Sejersted. The chair of the Abel committee will give the reasons for the awarding of the prize during the ceremony, followed by a popular science presentation of the prize winner's work. The Prize Award Ceremony will be held on May 24th during the Abel Week 2016 - which also includes the Abel Banquet, a dinner in honour of this year's Leuterate and much more.
The Abel Committe welcomes you to Oslo in May!